ARTICLE TITLE (17 pt, bold, All normal letters, center) not capital
Author Name1, Author Name2, Author Name3 (12 pt, center, bold)
Author Study Program1, Author Study Program2, Author Study Program3 (10 pt, center)
Faculty of Writers1, Faculty of Writers2, Faculty of Writers3 (if any) (10 pt, center)
Writers College1, Writers College2, Writers College3 (10 pt, center)
Author's email1, author's email2, author's email3 (10 pt, center)
Abstract (10 pt)
Abstract a maximum of 200 words in Indonesian and/or English. Abtrak is written upright letters 10 pt 1(one) spaces with left and right margins flat. Abstract Contains a summary of research background, research objectives, research methods and hasisl achieved in the abstract is also included;
Keywords: consisting of 3 to 5 syllables
1. INTRODUCTION (10 pt, 1 column)
Contains about research background, problems, research limitations, research objectives and benefits of research. (2 columns)
2. METHOD AND MATERIAL (10 pt, 1 column)
Contains literature studies, previous journal studies, references in the form of books, scientific publications and online journal publications and is responsible for the Kutiban Method by naming the author and title of the book in parentheses [].
3. METHOD (research method, analytical method, development method) (10 pt, 1 column)
Contains about the way of research, data retrieval methods, development methods, analytical methods, design methods, testing methods or other methods used for data processing and the direction of concepts developed refers to certain methods.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (10 pt, 1 column)
Contains about the results of research and or development that will be done in the concept of writing based on what is presented in the introduction.
5. CONCLUSION (10 pt, 1 column)
Contains about the results of research in general achieved and contributions to the development of science also to subsequent research.
6. REFERENASI (10 pt, 1 column) Minimum 10 numbers from Journal and Book update sources
Compiled and numbered in order based on the order of quotations. Library writing: author's name (without title), year, title, publisher, and publisher city. Here is an example of writing a list of references:
[1] Sommerville.Ian (2011) “Software Engineering” 9th Edition, Published by Addison-Wesley.
[2] N. C. Ashioba , R. E. Yoro.” RSA Cryptosystem using Object-Oriented Modeling Technique”. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research. Volume 4 No. 2, February 2014. ISSN 2223-4985, Published by IRPN Press Cornell University.
[3] Sri Eniyati (,“ Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Penerimaan Beasiswa dengan Metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), diakses 28 oktober 2016. ISSN : 0854-9524.